
This test validates window.performance.timing remains constant when a document is replaced using

This page should be loaded with a yellow frame below. It then replaces the document in that frame with a green document.

The test passes if all of the checks to performance.timing are correct and the frame below ends with a green background.


Found 21 tests


ResultTest NameAssertionMessage
Passwindow.performance is definedThe window.performance attribute provides a hosting area for performance related attributes.
PassconnectEnd is the same after document open.
PassconnectStart is the same after document open.
PassdomComplete is the same after document open.
PassdomContentLoadedEventEnd is the same after document open.
PassdomContentLoadedEventStart is the same after document open.
PassdomInteractive is the same after document open.
PassdomLoading is the same after document open.
PassdomainLookupEnd is the same after document open.
PassdomainLookupStart is the same after document open.
PassfetchStart is the same after document open.
PassloadEventEnd is the same after document open.
PassloadEventStart is the same after document open.
PassnavigationStart is the same after document open.
PassredirectEnd is the same after document open.
PassredirectStart is the same after document open.
PassrequestStart is the same after document open.
PassresponseEnd is the same after document open.
PassresponseStart is the same after document open.
PassunloadEventEnd is the same after document open.
PassunloadEventStart is the same after document open.